Rosiana Natalie (王玉美)


X : rnatalie15 

LinkedIn: Rosiana Natalie

Publications: Google Scholar


Welcome to my page! I am a MIDAS Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan, working with with Anhong Guo. Recently, I received my PhD and worked as a Research Engineer at Singapore Management University, under the supervision of Kotaro Hara

I received my Master of Science degree from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. There, I was working with Hao-chuan Wang (currently at the University of California, Davis) and Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan (currently at National Taiwan Normal University).  Before that, I received my Bachelor's in Information Technology and Systems degree from Monash University, Malaysia. 

I welcome everyone who has the same research interest with me to discuss and collaborate of possible future works. :)

Research Summary

The overarching goal of my research is to create methods and tools that are more time- and cost-effective in making video content more accessible for people with visual impairments. I leverage the concept of mixed-ability collaboration, computer vision, and natural language process techniques to make this happens. I explore and create methods and tools to support novices to write good quality Audio Descriptions (AD) -- a verbal explanation of visual events that are not audible for blind and low-vision people. 

Ultimately, I want to make all videos accessible to blind and low-vision people so they can enjoy, learn, and gain information from as many videos as sighted people. 


PhD, Computer Science, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Aug 2019 - August 2024

Advisor: Kotaro Hara

Master of Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Sep 2016 - Oct 2018

Advisor: Hao Chuan Wang (currently in the University of California, Davis) & Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan (co-advisor)

Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems, Monash  University, Malaysia

Feb 2012 - Apr 2016 

Final Project Advisor: Anushia Inthiran (currently in the University of Canterbury, New Zealand)


Conference Paper

Audio Description Customization

Rosiana Natalie, Ruei-che Chang, Smitha Sheshadri, Anhong Guo, Kotaro Hara.

SIGACCESS Conference of Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (2024)

[PDF] [Video]

Supporting Novices Author Audio Descriptions via Automatic Feedback

Rosiana Natalie, Joshua Tseng, Hernisa Kacorri, Kotaro Hara.

SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2023, Hamburg, Germany

[PDF] [Video]

The Efficacy of Collaborative Authoring of Video Scene Descriptions

Rosiana Natalie, Jolene Loh, Huei Suen Tan, Joshua Tseng, Ian Luke Yi-Ren Chan, Ebrima Jarjue, Hernisa Kacorri, Kotaro Hara.

SIGACCESS Conference of Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), Virtual Event (2021) 

[PDF] [Video]

🏅Best Paper Nominee

Poster and Doctoral Consortium

Exploring Conversations between a Practitioner and a Person with Dementia

Kotaro Hara, Rosiana Natalie, Wei Soon Cheong, Jingjing Gu, Qianli Xu

SIGACCESS Conference of Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (2024)


Cost-effective and Collaborative Methods to Author Video's Scene Description for Blind People

Rosiana Natalie

SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Extended Abstracts, Doctoral Consortium, New Orleans (2022)

[PDF] [Video] [Poster]

Uncovering Patterns in Reviewers' Feedback to Scene Description Authors

Rosiana Natalie, Jolene Loh, Huei Suen Tan, Joshua Tseng, Hernisa Kacorri, Kotaro Hara.

SIGACCESS Conference of Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), Virtual Event (2021)

[PDF]  [Video]

ViScene: A collaborative Authoring Tool for Scene Descriptions in Videos

Rosiana Natalie, Ebrima Jarjue, Hernisa Kacorri, Kotaro Hara.

SIGACCESS Conference of Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), Virtual Event (2020)

[PDF] [Slides] [Video]

Sojourners' Information Seeking Through Interpersonal Sources for Cultural Adaptation

Rosiana Natalie, Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan, Hao-Chuan Wang

Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), Jersey City, USA (2018)

[PDF] [Poster]

Understanding Information Seeking Behavior among International Students for Adaptation

Rosiana Natalie, Chien-Wen (Tina) Yuan, Hao-Chuan Wang

ChineseCHI Workshop, Montreal, Canada (2018)

[PDF] [Poster]

Understanding the Behavior of Sharing Negative Experiences to Different Audiences in Social Sharing

Rosiana Natalie, Chi-Lan Yang, Hao-Chuan Wang

Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Workshop (TAICHI) (2017)

[PDF] [Poster]

Work Experience

MIDAS Postdoctoral Data Science Fellow, University of Michigan, USA

Sep 2024 - Present

Mentor: Anhong Guo

Short term Scholar, University of Michigan, USA

May 2023 - Aug 2023

Advisor: Anhong Guo

Research Engineer, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Feb 2019 - Jul 2019

Advisor: Kotaro Hara

Research Intern, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Feb 2018 - Aug 2018

Advisor: Hideaki Takeda

Part-time Research Assistant, Collaborative and Social Computing Lab - National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Sep 2017 - Jul 2018

Advisor: Hao-chuan Wang

Application Support Team Intern, IT Shared Service - Sunway Group, Malaysia

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015

Supervisor: Ling Chai Ching

Intern Project Lead, SEACO Monash University, Malaysia

Nov 2014 - Nov 2015

Supervisor: Kridaan


Singapore Management University Presidential Doctoral Fellowship, August 2023 - July 2024

Dean's List Award, Singapore Management University - School of Information System, August 2023

Nomination Award, Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship 2022, September 2022

Doctoral Consortium Attendee, CHI 2022,  April 2022

Scholarship Recipient, Virtual Grace Hopper, July 2021

Ph.D. Full Scholarship, Singapore Management University, August 2019 - Present

International Student Scholarship (Master Degree), National Tsing Hua University, September 2015 - July 2018


Reviewer, CHI 2022/2023, MobileHCI 2023

Student Volunteer, ASSETS 2021/2022/2024, CHI 2018